Glasgow McDowall Rural Bursary

This bursary is provided by the McDowall family for the benefit of a regional, rural or remote Australian student entering Year 10 and is offered for a 3 year period from Year 10 until Year 12.  

It is designed to support such students to access a far greater selection of subjects and extra-curricular activities through assisting with the additional costs incurred in completing senior schooling. The bursary provision is $12 000 per annum for Year 10, 11 and 12.

Potential recipients will be students who:

  • live in a regional, rural or remote area of Australia and do not have easy access to a local school which provides education for senior school.
  • need to board away from home in order to access a high  quality secondary education.
  • wish to continue their education after completing their secondary education and demonstrate the ability to do so.
  • commit to wholehearted engagement in College life and respectful adherence to College expectations.

Bursary details and application process »

All Bursary applicants are required to submit an application and register for the ACER Scholarship Exam to be held on Saturday 22 February 2025.

Registration for 2026 Scholarships opening soon. Applications close midnight AEDST Sunday 2 February 2025.

Glasgow McDowall Bursary applicants are asked to contact our Head of Enrolments, Mrs Tina Hammond, directly.

Head of Enrolments

Mrs Tina Hammond

T  07 4688 4635

E  Tina.Hammond@fairholme.qld.edu.au

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