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    at Fairholme



By Graeme Morris 10 Sep, 2024
Storytelling, building connections, and engaging our community is irreplaceable in the marketing strategy of a school. Â鶹ÊÓƵMarketing Manager, Kathryn Doyle, talks about what resonates in modern-day school communication.
By Graeme Morris 10 Sep, 2024
For Year 7 Boarder, Audrey Colville, just getting from her home on Groote Eylandt to Â鶹ÊÓƵis an adventure in itself.
By Graeme Morris 10 Sep, 2024
I enjoy watching Â鶹ÊÓƵsport, debating, dance, choir … (and the list meanders on) – from the sideline. There is joy in watching without responsibility. It does not, as Mr Tregaskis would attest, mean that I do not wince when I see what I believe to be, an incorrect umpire’s decision. You have no idea how much I will miss standing on the sideline observing young people learning to be. After all, these performance arenas are just that – places of becoming. That is, when we, as adults don’t mess with ‘the becoming.’ In anticipation of losing my legitimate reason to watch Â鶹ÊÓƵplay anything, perform anything … I am concentrating on the privilege of the moment. I am soaking in the delights of fiercely contested debating finals, narrow wins and losses on the courts and fields of Toowoomba where the temperature is always colder or hotter than forecast and, the unparalleled joy of Junior School girls dancing on stage without inhibition, some perfectly attuned with the music’s beat and other’s not. I am absorbing the opportunity to witness learning at its essence. Performance in sport or The Arts is a public event. If your artwork is hung in a gallery space it is ‘public’ – open to be appreciated or criticised. If one is singing, dancing, debating or playing an instrument on stage with an audience there is nowhere to hide if an error is made. And, on a court or field – one’s performance is open to scrutiny or praise – or everything in between. Becoming is core business at these times. Anthony Simcoe, perhaps best known for his role as Steve in the epic Australian film, ‘The Castle’ with lines like, “Dale dug a hole, Dad,” or “How much for jousting sticks?” was a gangly fifteen-year-old boy when I first met him at Burnside State High School in Nambour, where he was seeking to master the volleyball dig, serve and set. Who would have imagined his becoming? Even years on, Anthony would say that he learned to become an actor through washing dishes at cafes – earning money between acting jobs – learning to observe the humanness in his customers. He washed a lot of dishes and served a lot of tables in order to become a credible member of ‘The Castle’s’ Kerrigan family. In tedious hours he learned about people and about hard, repetitive work. Repetition is the underpinning pattern of rehearsal and practice. Some of us do it well, others not so. I hear it in action many mornings as I pass the Performing Arts building, I see it on mornings and afternoons in our gym and on our oval. Rehearsal. Practice. Becoming. It is far more palpable; it would seem, than our classroom learning which inhabits a far more private space: often behind a closed door. How special it was, a few weeks ago, to invite the parents of Year 12.1 English to join their daughter, Mrs Anderson and I for a Period Five Friday afternoon lesson of ‘Macbeth.’ Seated in a huge circle in the confines of G24, students directed the lesson: spelling, quotations, thematic discussions and questions, for their parent and the other class members. It was an impressive moment (from a teacher’s perspective anyway) – to see students demonstrate their knowledge in a semi-public forum. It was timely for parents, no doubt, to remember the awkwardness of not knowing an answer, the joy of accuracy as well as the discomfort of feedback about an incorrect assumption – these are aspects of learning with which our students grapple, daily … as they become. There was delight in sharing the messiness of learning, the non-linear path of knowledge and how these segue to ‘becoming.’ Although, that moment of self-actualisation we seek or reaching the mountain top does not come at the same time or in the same way for any of us. And we have to be patient from our sideline position. We have to trust the process. We have to remember also, that losing and missing out are important components of future winning. We have to remember in the words of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Spanish Priest, theologian and thinker, “we learn only when we are ready to learn.” St. Ignatius reminds us that education is not confined to classrooms; it can happen anywhere and at any time: if we allow it. And thus, as adults, as we inhabit more than our fair share of sidelines real and metaphoric, during the rundown to the finish line, let us all be gracious in allowing our young people ‘to become’ … a process that is uneven, at times uncomfortable, messy, deeply disappointing and … often wildly exhilarating. Let us enjoy each and every facet and be gracious in the spaces where alignment with expectation is not met in performance or outcome. It is here, in this place, which can feel unpleasant, unsatisfactory and uninvited that the greatest learning and hence the greatest opportunity to become, can occur. If we, as adults who should know better, don’t mess with ‘the becoming.’ “Another ball game lost! Good grief!” Charlie moans. “I get tired of losing. Everything I do, I lose!” “Look at it this way, Charlie Brown,” Lucy replies. “We learn more from losing than we do from winning.” “That makes me the smartest person in the world!” replies Charlie. Win some. Learn some. Become. Dr Linda Evans │Principal  REFERENCE Maxwell, J. (2013) On Turning a Loss into a Gain | Adapted from Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn (October 2013)
Dr Leigh Hobart portrait
By Graeme Morris 08 Aug, 2024
Dear Members of the Â鶹ÊÓƵFamily I am pleased to inform you of an important development at Â鶹ÊÓƵCollege on behalf of the Â鶹ÊÓƵCollege Board. After an extensive search process, the Board of Directors is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Leigh Hobart as the new Principal of Â鶹ÊÓƵCollege, effective from April 2025. Dr Leigh Hobart is a seasoned educator who is returning to Toowoomba, bringing with her over 30 years of experience in the field of education. As a sixth-generation Toowoomba resident, Leigh has deep connections to the Darling Downs region and is excited to rejoin this vibrant community. Throughout her extensive career, Dr Hobart has held various significant roles in education, most recently serving as Deputy Headmaster – Academic Performance and Innovation at Brisbane Boys' College. With a focus on developing an inclusive and collaborative culture, Dr Hobart has led various initiatives that have had a profound impact. From introducing a phonics-based reading and writing program in the early years to negotiating the implementation of the Queensland Senior School curriculum, she has consistently demonstrated her commitment to excellence and innovation. Her professional journey has been driven by a deep passion for leading learning communities where students and staff can flourish. She firmly believes in the transformative power of education and its role as fundamental to a high-functioning and progressive society. Dr Hobart's dedication to student improvement and success is a testament to her passion and commitment. She values integrity, respect, professionalism, and lifelong learning, creating a solid foundation for her leadership journey. Her highly developed interpersonal skills and collaborative approach have earned her the admiration and respect of the community, staff, and students at the schools she has served. Dr Hobart's expertise extends beyond her leadership roles, as she has actively engaged in research, initial teacher education accreditation, and professional development networks. Her academic achievements, including an Education Doctorate from QUT and a Master of Education, further enhance her ability to lead and inspire others. As Dr Hobart continues to make an impact in the field of education, she hopes to inspire young women to pursue their dreams with passion and determination. Her journey is a testament to the power of resilience, hard work, and belief in oneself. She firmly believes that every young woman has the potential to achieve and make a positive difference in the world and looks forward to engaging with the Â鶹ÊÓƵcommunity to add value to their already vibrant school. I would also like to acknowledge our current Principal, Dr Linda Evans, for her dedication and commitment to our community during this transition period. Her humility, professionalism and capacity to inspire students and staff will live on well into the future. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to Â鶹ÊÓƵCollege. We are confident that under Dr Hobart's leadership, our school will continue to thrive and provide an exceptional educational experience for all our students. Yours sincerely Ian Andersen | Chairman
By Sarah Richardson 05 Aug, 2024
Q&A with Year 11 student Jordan Amos, Student and Coach of the Modified Rugby Program at UniSQ. What is the name of the program you are involved in? The name of the program is the Modified Rugby Program (MRP) and was created by the Ginger Cloud Foundation. MRP is an organisation that allows young neurodiverse individuals to engage with the community in a game of a modified version of rugby and to have fun playing sport and staying active. How did you get involved in the Modified Rugby Team? I got involved in MRP through the school as a Mentor in February last year at UniSQ with my friend Mabel Galbraith (Year 11) and continued through the rest of the year and we were fortunate enough to be offered to coach at UniSQ this year. What has the experience been like for you? The experience has been nothing short of amazing. I never thought I would have had this much fun doing MRP in a million years, but I find it so enjoyable to do and so rewarding. MRP has been so good for me as I am able to help younger kids in the rugby community have fun and be involved. What have have been some of the highlights? There have been so many highlights! Last year, we played with some of the Australian Wallabies when they were in Toowoomba. I was fortunate enough to meet former rugby greats like Chris Latham and Wallaroo Selena Worsley-Tranter. Later that year, we played a mini game in between TGS 1st and 2nds at the Grammar Downlands match. Every experience at MRP is a highlight for me! How does volunteering your time and giving back to the community feel? When I was volunteering as a mentor, and even now as a coach, giving my time and giving back to the MRP community didn’t seem like a difficult decision. I find it an absolute privilege to have this experience and for them to allow me to continue. How do you assist the Modified Rugby Team? As a mentor you assist the coaches by keeping your mentee (player) engaged in training drills and gamedays. As a mentor you are usually paired with a player for the season to easily connect with them so the players feel more comfortable. As a coach, we get the privilege to run trainings, run gamedays as well as referee and we also have to do various paperwork for the people who are in charge of MRP to keep the success of the organisation. Recently the team played on the main field of TGS what did that feel like and how did the team react? The players have played at TGS many times before but every time you can see the players feel really special as the rugby boys usually create a tunnel for them onto the field for their game. The players are particularly eager to be involved whenever they play at TGS and are always wanting to support the TGS boys, as they joined the boys to make a tunnel for the 16A’s and even joined in with their war cries. It was truly remarkable.
By Sarah Richardson 05 Aug, 2024
The winter holidays is the perfect time to sleep in on cold foggy mornings, catch up with friends, catch a movie. But for Year 10 Boarder, Liv Hawkins, her June/July holiday was spent “working” - albeit on her passion in life: campdrafting. Liv, from Hughenden, said while the best part of her break was reuniting with her family and friends and spending time with her beloved horses, it was essentially a “working” holiday. She spent the better part of her holidays on a journey across Queensland, competing in various campdraft and challenge events. Liv and her family travelled across the remote roads of Outback Queensland in a truck with a living trailer, carrying nine horses, and a car. Their first stop was a two-day competition in the Pentland Campdraft. As they rolled into town ready for the first event of the season, Liv said she was nervous but excited. Though she didn’t place in the top ranks, Liv loved the experience and the chance to be among her competitors who have all become friends. Next stop was the Saxby Campdraft where Liv demonstrated her growing skills and dedication, securing a commendable 3rd place in the Juvenile Draft. However, the journey wasn’t without its challenges. A primary concern, obviously, is the health and happiness of the horses. Ensuring they were well fed, well rested and keeping the horses happy and healthy was paramount in importance. Liv and her family had to make sure the horses did not become sour from the repetitive nature of the competitions. Despite the difficulties, they worked tirelessly to maintain the well-being of their equine companions. The Mount Isa Campdraft, the Cloncurry Stockman’s Challenge and Campdraft and the Flinders Classic Challenge and Campdraft rounded out her holiday. Her 7th place in the Juvenile Draft division at Cloncurry was followed up by a 3rd and 4th at Flinders and she impressively clinched 1st place in the Encouragement Challenge. Liv said it was the perfect culmination of a winter holidays filled with hard work, determination, and passion. These achievements were not just personal victories but a testament to the support of her family and the bond she shared with her horses.
By Sarah Richardson 05 Aug, 2024
For Charlotte Ostwald, her last year in Boarding School is bittersweet. Head Boarder, Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Ostwald, has wasted no time in making the most of her final year in the MacLaren tartan. ‘It’s been a massive year, but such a rewarding one. Now that we are coming to the end, I have been reminiscing about Fairholme’, says Lottie. Between Lottie’s dual leadership roles as Head Boarder and Equestrian Captain, being one of Australia’s top ranked Combined Training Equestrian riders, and chasing her aspiring career goals, Lottie is most proud of her work she’s done in the Boarding House to support the wellbeing of her fellow boarding sisters. ‘With the help of the Boarder Prefects, I’ve tried to concentrate on the mental health aspect of Boarding. Being a Boarder is lots of fun most of the time, but it can be very hard sometimes being away from your family. As a Boarder, you have to find new support systems. ‘Through addressing mental health publicly and our Boarders’ gift project, we have focussed on bringing the girls from all grades together. I want each girl to know that they are supported and if they are struggling, they’re not alone and can reach out for help. ‘This year round tables were introduced to the Dining Room to help the girls build connections and foster a sense of belonging. This small change has certainly made a big difference. So much so that mealtimes are now much louder with all the talking.’ While being extremely fulfilling, juggling multiple leadership roles along with her academic and sporting commitments hasn’t been all smooth sailing for Lottie. ‘I’m not the most naturally organised person. I’ve had to really work on improving my time management skills to balance it all. I still feel that I have a long way to go, but challenging myself this year has helped me to improve a lot.’ As we race towards the end of the year and the many lasts for our class of 2024 cohort, Lottie still has so much to look forward to, including her final time competing at the Australian Interschool Equestrian Championships. Lottie earnt herself a spot in the Queensland Equestrian team following her achievement of not one, but two Queensland titles in high level classes. She was also acknowledged for her contributions and etiquette, being named as the Senior award winner by the Event Officials. ‘At Nationals, I am competing in my favourite discipline, Combined Training, which involves jumping and dressage. I have in the past done well at Nationals and although I’ll be putting in my best effort, I’m focussing more this time on enjoying my final experience and soaking up the electric atmosphere. ‘I’ve loved being part of Â鶹ÊÓƵEquestrian team, particularly as Captain this year. When I first started in Year 7, it was a small team and we’ve all grown together. It’s been great to follow each of the team members’ journeys and the growth of the team. ‘It’s really satisfying seeing the girls’ flourishing and achieving new personal bests. Everyone has worked so hard together as a team, cultivating a really supportive environment where everyone wants to do their best. ‘The team has done so well this year winning the Lorette Wigan Cup for the fourth consecutive year which is awarded to the Champion Equestrian Secondary School at the Interschool Queensland Championships. ‘I am in two minds about my final days at school. I am so excited to move onto a new chapter in my life, however it’s going to be very hard to say goodbye to Fairholme. “I will miss seeing my friends every day and it will be sad to farewell the teachers that have helped me so much. ‘Next year I’ll be hanging up the competitive Equestrian reigns for a little while to focus on university. I hope to gain entry to study Law and Commerce at UQ. I’m thinking I might want to work in Commercial Disputes one day or may be even go into Politics.’ Wherever life’s path ends up taking you Lottie, we’re sure you’ll continue to shine. 
By Sarah Richardson 05 Aug, 2024
At the beginning of the term, our Year 10 students embarked on an important journey of exploration and growth through our work experience program. This initiative provides our students with the invaluable opportunity to step out of the classroom and into the real world, where they will gain firsthand insights into various professions and industries.
By Sarah Richardson 05 Aug, 2024
The annual Â鶹ÊÓƵFathers’ Dinner was all about good food, great company, and an even greater purpose — supporting our community
By Sarah Richardson 05 Aug, 2024
When my daughter was twenty-one, she began her teaching career at an Autism specialty school in Brixton, London. She would ring – often for advice, for debriefing, for re-setting – the school she was at was classified as being in Special Measures – it was being inspected most weeks by OFSTED and was close to closure. The staff had to make big changes to practice to get the school functioning again. To do so was tough. Redirecting our habits and practices is tough. Sometimes she would ring and describe her day – a chair thrown across the room, desks thrown out of windows, students exploding with frustration. Vastly different from Fairholme. But my advice to her – as it is to all - was this: Show up. Keep showing up. When we show up, even when it’s hard we learn a lot about ourselves and others. The kids at her school in Brixton, London – needed teachers to show up, they needed people to notice them, they needed interest, care, attention. Basic needs for us all. They needed to know that they mattered. Mattering is a fresh take on its noun cousin – matter and has a psychological science behind it too. Mattering is, according to Dr Flett, a York University professor and author of the text – “The Psychology of Mattering,” a core, universal human need. It runs more deeply than purpose, or connection or belonging – it runs to being “missed by people in your group if you aren’t there.” In the bliss of Olympic watching, I have been struck over and over again, by the value of family in the success of athletes: their mattering. I watched Ariarne Titmus’ family breathe through every stroke in her 400-metre final, and delighted when Jess Fox, having blitzed the canoe slalom K1 final, paid tribute to her family. On her helmet are the words – “Ma petite est comme l’eau, elle est comme l’eau vive,” translating to “My little girl is like the water, she’s like the white water.” These words belong to a song her Papi (grandfather) sang to her as a small child.In some ways, singing her into her future. Those words have weight for her, they are mattering words. Jess’ father, also an Olympian said something to the effect of, “I’m proud of her achievement but most of all, I’m proud of who she is as a person.” These are ultimately the things that matter most: family, connection, purpose, belief. The things we say, do, our actions and our reactions as parents, matter. Yet, we parent on the run, don’t we. In the midst of the pace and chaos of life we are setting the tone, the tenor and the trajectory of our children’s lives. Our responses – each and all become the frame and filter of their worldview. We often hear that the first 1000 days of parenting are the most formative, foundational - get them wrong and we have missed the moment. Every 1000 days of our children’s lives, matter – even when they enter their thirties, as mine have. Hopefully, we have the privilege of parenting our children long into their futures and that we continue to show up for them, because in that example, we are enabling them to do the same. In effect, we are engaging in the process of mattering. Show me your friends, show me your family – and I will have a glimpse into your future because I will have a sense of what matters to you. Perhaps, a little like Jess Fox’s Papi who sang her into a love of white water, every step we take as parents, every word we speak, every action we undertake is about demonstrating mattering. Even in those tough moments, those hard conversations and those testing times we need to show up. We need to keep showing up. When we do, what a wonderful example we are etching in our children’s character.  Show up. Keep showing up.
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