
  • Learning & Development

    at 鶹ƵKindy


Kindy Curriculum

Learning and development

The 鶹ƵKindergarten program is informed by the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines.

Educators observe children’s learning and development in five areas:

  • Identity
  • Connectedness
  • Wellbeing
  • Active Learning
  • Communicating.

Our Kindy Teachers’ plans are informed by their understanding of children’s prior learning, strengths, interests and ideas, and their judgments about children’s current learning.

Kindy Curriculum


Literacy experiences occur on a daily basis throughout the entire program through:

  • stories read, told and dramatised
  • language experiences
  • building on symbolic awareness of language
  • drawing and writing experiences
  • modelling the use and purpose of literacy.


Daily experiences offer endless opportunities for exploring and using numeracy through:

  • block play, constructing, games, songs, rhymes, puzzles, sand and water play
  • exploring mathematical thinking, concepts and mathematical language
  • sorting, classifying, estimating, patterning and counting.


Science opportunities are based on children’s existing and current knowledge, and extend and build on their interests through:

  • multi‐sensory experiences
  • predicting, hypothesising, exploring, investigating and manipulating
  • gardening, sustainability and exploring the natural environment
  • working with tools and technology
  • museum resources, kits, books and posters to extend the children’s science understandings.

Creative Experiences

Being engaged in creative experiences allows the children to interpret and communicate their understandings of the world.

It caters for differences in development and skills, and provides opportunities for enjoyable sensory play through:

  • open‐ended experiences
  • 2D and 3D collage, painting, dough, clay, carpentry, drawing and blocks
  • music, movement and dance.

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