Travel is not meant to be easy ...

Sep 01, 2023

‘We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.’ - Jawaharial Nehru

I am an avid traveller, as is my husband, and our children. Collectively, we prefer the less travelled path – Natalie and Mitchell venturing to places without paths, at times – the sort of places that cause mothers nightmares.

Upon return, people say – “A treehouse in San Mateo, Mexico: amazing!” “Wow! I’ve never even heard of Plovdiv.” “Where on earth is Lake Bohinj? No-one ever says – was it hard? The assumption is that travel is like a glorious event where all runs smoothly, to time, and without any moments of angst. Fortunately, not. Travel is a problem solving activity; it is often an act of compromise – particularly when travelling with others, and invariably a time of heart-wrenching highs and unexpected lows. Therein lies its richness: a time and place to grow through the juxtaposition of challenge and delight.

In travel, are a cumulation of moments that often can only be digested and appreciated in their entirety – after the event.

In 2013 my husband and I spent a month in Istanbul, living amongst locals in an apartment perched nearly 100 stairs above the narrow cobble stoned road below. We ate borek and drank Turkish tea each morning at a tiny café where no-one spoke English – staff or customers. We bought meat from a butcher with whom we had no shared language and purchased fresh bread, the reddest tomatoes, and sweetest cherries daily, from a ramshackle stall at the end of the road. Yet, the value of this opportunity, appeared subsequently, and upon reflection.

During the latter part of our stay, we were caught in the midst of civil turmoil. Our street was cordoned off by police. A nearby unit block was operating as a makeshift hospital. Tear gas became a cloud hovering above us. On the first day of the unrest, we had found ourselves locked in the train station with other bewildered commuters – cannons of tear gas had been fired. We panicked, fearful, frightened. Eventually, a door was pried open from outside and we crawled, on our stomachs, onto a street of chaos.

In the days that followed, the locals made sure we could access food, explained in broken English what the basis of the conflict was and kept us safe. Meanwhile, Smartraveller listed Turkey as a red zone and my family was urging us home. It wasn’t that easy to go – in fact, there was no access to our street at either end, unless on foot.

We were probably unaware of the depth of danger around us. Travel is not always easy, but I wouldn’t wish those weeks in Istanbul away, either. I wouldn’t wish away the kindness of strangers, the challenges, nor the entrée into Turkish politics that remains a fascination.

Like travel, the journey of finishing school is a problem-solving activity, it involves compromise, and it is often a time of heart-wrenching highs and unexpected lows – for Year 12s and their parents. Hopefully, Smarttraveller would not list it as a red zone – though, no doubt, those moments occur at times.

In their senior year, these young people are ‘becoming’ – becoming adults, and as they strive for and thrive on the prospect of independence they sometimes can ‘bite the hand that feeds them.’

Their post-school horizon often appears like a glorious event where all runs smoothly and anything holding them back from this utopian world where there will be no rules, and where decisions will be there’s entirely – is deemed cruel, archaic, dictatorial. Perhaps this is an exaggerated scenario but if you are raising an adolescent there will be moments like these – lest they are too comfortable or too entwined to leave the nest of home. To leave home, one must, in some way – muddy the nest.

Each will see their Â鶹ÊÓƵtime differently, at this juncture. For some, without the next destination in clear sight, they want to hold on – just a little longer. For others, the beckoning of a new, shiny, bright destination is all encompassing. Whichever, time is on its march forward and the finish line will be crossed on Friday 17 November.

March pasts, eisteddfodau, grand finals and debates will entwine with memories of common room lunches, teachers passionate about their subject, singing out of the Boarding House (again), falling in and out of friendships, too many assignments and Sess, with his camera – taking just one more shot.

The mundane and delightful will both take their place; they will be the things they will take away into their next journey, the things that will have their greatest meaning, later.

Ride out the whirlwind. Place yourself in circumstances where you can enjoy these strong young women, at their best.

Avoid the temptation to pander to every whim, in order to keep things steady – always, always, your thoughtful, wise, measured, adult voice, matters.

Like travel, finishing school is often best observed ‘after the event’, away from the intensity of the time and when perspective clambers its way into line of sight.

For now, as we start to grieve their leaving, take time to appreciate your own travel journey – look how far you too, have come.

There is a richness inherent in the metaphoric distance travelled, from treehouses in San Mateo, Mexico to Palm Drive, Fairholme. If there is to be

real growth, it’s not meant to be easy.

Dr Linda Evans | Principal

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Anthony Simcoe, perhaps best known for his role as Steve in the epic Australian film, ‘The Castle’ with lines like, “Dale dug a hole, Dad,” or “How much for jousting sticks?” was a gangly fifteen-year-old boy when I first met him at Burnside State High School in Nambour, where he was seeking to master the volleyball dig, serve and set. Who would have imagined his becoming? Even years on, Anthony would say that he learned to become an actor through washing dishes at cafes – earning money between acting jobs – learning to observe the humanness in his customers. He washed a lot of dishes and served a lot of tables in order to become a credible member of ‘The Castle’s’ Kerrigan family. In tedious hours he learned about people and about hard, repetitive work. Repetition is the underpinning pattern of rehearsal and practice. Some of us do it well, others not so. I hear it in action many mornings as I pass the Performing Arts building, I see it on mornings and afternoons in our gym and on our oval. Rehearsal. Practice. Becoming. It is far more palpable; it would seem, than our classroom learning which inhabits a far more private space: often behind a closed door. How special it was, a few weeks ago, to invite the parents of Year 12.1 English to join their daughter, Mrs Anderson and I for a Period Five Friday afternoon lesson of ‘Macbeth.’ Seated in a huge circle in the confines of G24, students directed the lesson: spelling, quotations, thematic discussions and questions, for their parent and the other class members. It was an impressive moment (from a teacher’s perspective anyway) – to see students demonstrate their knowledge in a semi-public forum. It was timely for parents, no doubt, to remember the awkwardness of not knowing an answer, the joy of accuracy as well as the discomfort of feedback about an incorrect assumption – these are aspects of learning with which our students grapple, daily … as they become. There was delight in sharing the messiness of learning, the non-linear path of knowledge and how these segue to ‘becoming.’ Although, that moment of self-actualisation we seek or reaching the mountain top does not come at the same time or in the same way for any of us. And we have to be patient from our sideline position. We have to trust the process. We have to remember also, that losing and missing out are important components of future winning. We have to remember in the words of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Spanish Priest, theologian and thinker, “we learn only when we are ready to learn.” St. Ignatius reminds us that education is not confined to classrooms; it can happen anywhere and at any time: if we allow it. And thus, as adults, as we inhabit more than our fair share of sidelines real and metaphoric, during the rundown to the finish line, let us all be gracious in allowing our young people ‘to become’ … a process that is uneven, at times uncomfortable, messy, deeply disappointing and … often wildly exhilarating. Let us enjoy each and every facet and be gracious in the spaces where alignment with expectation is not met in performance or outcome. It is here, in this place, which can feel unpleasant, unsatisfactory and uninvited that the greatest learning and hence the greatest opportunity to become, can occur. If we, as adults who should know better, don’t mess with ‘the becoming.’ “Another ball game lost! Good grief!” Charlie moans. “I get tired of losing. Everything I do, I lose!” “Look at it this way, Charlie Brown,” Lucy replies. “We learn more from losing than we do from winning.” “That makes me the smartest person in the world!” replies Charlie. Win some. Learn some. Become. Dr Linda Evans │Principal  REFERENCE Maxwell, J. (2013) On Turning a Loss into a Gain | Adapted from Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn (October 2013)
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