Oh to be perfect ...

Aug 06, 2023

'I am not a perfectionist, but I like to feel that things are done well.' Cristiano Ronaldo

Most of us do not need to dip too deeply into our childhood memories to draw on the nubs of wisdom and truisms passed on in conversations – formal and informal. “Practice makes perfect,” is but one. It continues to be a mantra that we casually share with our children and with students – and, implicit within, are two problematic ideas.

The first being that practice does not lead to perfection, if ever, because the notion of ‘perfection’ in any setting, is riddled with the potential for an elevated level of ‘stress sensitivity.’

The second problem is that whilst we often laud perfectionism as a worthy skill, share it proudly in job interviews and other settings, yet it can be a curse and a precursor to a mindset that takes us to places of shame, blame and deep dissatisfaction.

Practice itself when undertaken with commitment can elicit perseverance, aid retention and, at best, practice can give a skill or a learning, ‘permanence’ (Garth Mole, 2023).

The best tangible gift I ever received as a child was a Netball goal – it was for my ninth birthday (yes, a long time ago). Yet, I still remember watching intently as Dad attached it to a timber pole, meticulously measuring the accuracy of height and placing it in the depths of a neatly dug hole on a flat piece of lawn, adjacent to our clothesline.

They say that perfection is merely 10,000 hours of practice away. I think I must have surpassed that time frame – the quest for perfection was a strong drive – as well as an impossible one. Quite honestly, I was OK with that – the thrill of improvement, the hope of achieving one hundred out of one hundred drove me on, to achieve whatever goal I set myself on any given day – even though the outcomes were always different between one afternoon and the next. It kept me busy. It kept me focused. It led to accuracy - but never perfectionism.

If you do not practice you will never achieve perfection. True. If you do practice you will never achieve perfection. True. In a world where perfection is an airbrush away, can be manufactured through technological intervention or artificially constructed, we do need to hold proudly to the reality of our flaws, the learning lessons of perseverance and our ability to fall short of expectation, pick ourselves up, and have another shot – literally or metaphorically: because that is the pattern of life.

Researchers continue to contest the nature versus nurture argument, their dichotomous views place them on a continuum where genetics and

effort are poised at either end.

Anders Ericsson in his combined studies with Charness in 1994, argued that intentional and appropriately structured practice leads to ‘perfect’ performance outcomes, outcomes that some researchers had previously attributed to genetics or innate ability.

Their adage that practice makes perfect is contested avidly by other researchers. However, the dangerous downside of perfectionism, as discussed by Ruggeri, 2018, is much more difficult to contest. Ruggeri cites a meta-analysis undertaken by Thomas Curran and Andrew Hill comparing perfectionism across generations from 1989 to 2016 in the US, UK, and Canada.

Their study found significant increases among the most recent undergraduates. Further, Katie Rasmussen, who researches child development and perfectionism at West Virginia University, states that “as many as two in five kids and adolescents are perfectionists,” (cited in Ruggeri,


Consider the snapchat world of adolescents and their drive to compare, to rate their accomplishments and insta moments against others, and this statistic should not surprise us. So, what do we do about that? Put goal posts in our backyard, take care with the truisms (that may indeed not be true at all) that fall carelessly from our lips or continue to laud that which is perfect?

One needs only to look at a recent Â鶹ÊÓƵpost which shows our Â鶹ÊÓƵcross country runners competing at the state titles to capture how committed practice develops permanence of skill, it nurtures perseverance and the healthy will to improve.

In the literal mud through which they ran, each competitor learned more about the joy of competition – against self and others, the scope and possibilities for their next run and how to manage disappointment when the high bar of expectation is not reached. I trust that each runner had a ‘Cristiano Ronaldo moment,’ where they felt they had done well: and they did, exceptionally so.

Hours of practice led them to run with strength and will and drive – exceptional skills that translate to so many other corners of living.

The Japanese ‘wabi-sabi’ notion of finding beauty in imperfection is worth consideration, it’s worth juxtaposing against the constructed on-line world: fabricated for impact and a hot bed for the development of an unhealthy sense of self.

Practice should not be used as a tool for perfectionism. Practice, at its core, should be about focus, grit and hard work. At best, it is a rehearsal, a means by which permanence of skill or understanding develops and its full value exists when that rehearsal is enjoyable, challenging and innately driven.

My parents would attest to my Netball goal post as one of their wisest fiscal investments in me; it was tangible evidence that practice, in the

seeking of excellence, is an active concept, never an endpoint. Practice and perfectionism are disparate terms, despite the commonality of their pairing.

Practice for permanence of skill acquisition is a much more apt phrase. Learning from what we don’t do well, often provides the greatest learning

of all. Wabi-sabi, however, is the ultimate concept. Imagine if we could all find and celebrate the beauty of flaws and embrace a place or state of being where practice never creates nor seeks perfection and where stress sensitivity does not exist.

As I consider the benefits of embracing mistakes, flaws and imperfections, I am led to yet another childhood truism … ‘we learn through our mistakes’, but therein is another conundrum, for another time …

Dr Linda Evans | Principal


Ericsson, K. A., & Charness, N. (1994).

Konnikova, M. (2016).

Ruggeri, A. (2018). The dangerous downsides of perfectionism »

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I hear it in action many mornings as I pass the Performing Arts building, I see it on mornings and afternoons in our gym and on our oval. Rehearsal. Practice. Becoming. It is far more palpable; it would seem, than our classroom learning which inhabits a far more private space: often behind a closed door. How special it was, a few weeks ago, to invite the parents of Year 12.1 English to join their daughter, Mrs Anderson and I for a Period Five Friday afternoon lesson of ‘Macbeth.’ Seated in a huge circle in the confines of G24, students directed the lesson: spelling, quotations, thematic discussions and questions, for their parent and the other class members. It was an impressive moment (from a teacher’s perspective anyway) – to see students demonstrate their knowledge in a semi-public forum. It was timely for parents, no doubt, to remember the awkwardness of not knowing an answer, the joy of accuracy as well as the discomfort of feedback about an incorrect assumption – these are aspects of learning with which our students grapple, daily … as they become. There was delight in sharing the messiness of learning, the non-linear path of knowledge and how these segue to ‘becoming.’ Although, that moment of self-actualisation we seek or reaching the mountain top does not come at the same time or in the same way for any of us. And we have to be patient from our sideline position. We have to trust the process. We have to remember also, that losing and missing out are important components of future winning. We have to remember in the words of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Spanish Priest, theologian and thinker, “we learn only when we are ready to learn.” St. Ignatius reminds us that education is not confined to classrooms; it can happen anywhere and at any time: if we allow it. And thus, as adults, as we inhabit more than our fair share of sidelines real and metaphoric, during the rundown to the finish line, let us all be gracious in allowing our young people ‘to become’ … a process that is uneven, at times uncomfortable, messy, deeply disappointing and … often wildly exhilarating. Let us enjoy each and every facet and be gracious in the spaces where alignment with expectation is not met in performance or outcome. It is here, in this place, which can feel unpleasant, unsatisfactory and uninvited that the greatest learning and hence the greatest opportunity to become, can occur. If we, as adults who should know better, don’t mess with ‘the becoming.’ “Another ball game lost! Good grief!” Charlie moans. “I get tired of losing. Everything I do, I lose!” “Look at it this way, Charlie Brown,” Lucy replies. “We learn more from losing than we do from winning.” “That makes me the smartest person in the world!” replies Charlie. Win some. Learn some. Become. Dr Linda Evans │Principal  REFERENCE Maxwell, J. (2013) On Turning a Loss into a Gain | Adapted from Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn (October 2013)
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