Working at Â鶹ÊÓƵas a Student

Jun 20, 2023

Head of Senior School, Mr Tom McCormick reflects on his own educational journey and why he’s so passionate about our latest initiative, Student Employee Program.

I remember when I was in Year 9 and my high school form teacher (similar to a Holme Group Teacher) advertised to the class that the school was launching a ‘Student Representative Council’ (known as an SRC).

We were told that the purpose of this initiative was to ensure that ‘students had a voice in decisions being made across the school’. 

I am not sure why, but this opportunity caught my attention. My father was heavily involved in trade unions, and my brother was a youth parliament MP for our local constituency, so it is safe to say that we McCormicks have always had a lot to say and have not been afraid to speak up.

My wife would also agree that I ‘have an opinion on everything’.

It is probably for these reasons that I applied, and surprisingly, I was selected as one of 12 representatives from across Years 7-13.


Unfortunately, my work with the SRC was to be shortlived.

My first and last experience of being a member of the Student Representative Council was being sat in a classroom during a very rushed lunchtime meeting. 

The meeting consisted of a teacher picking apart suggestions made by each of the SRC representatives.

Suggestions on changes to break times, increased healthy food choices in the canteen and support of further fundraising opportunities were met with critical comments by the teacher leading the group. 

He would make references to the lack of resources or funding and felt the need to justify why the school operates the way it did.


I vaguely remember a Year 8 student mentioning something about buses and being completely ignored.

It was clear that the teacher did not want to be there, and it was clear from the start that the severe lack of collaboration, clear goals, encouragement, or autonomy would result in the failure of this initiative.

I remember feeling deflated and thinking, why should I value something that the teachers or leaders in the school did not value either? 

Although my parents had brought me up to follow through on things that I had signed up for, I knew I would not go back to any other meetings. 

The cynic in me, looking back 20 years later (through my educator eyes), feels that the main reason for such an initiative in the school was a mere tick-boxing exercise to satisfy the governing body’s (OFSTED) expectations.


I am not sure if it was experiences like this that fuelled my passion for student voice in schools, but ever since becoming a teacher, I have looked for ways to encourage students to speak up, play a role in their schools and be change agents within their communities.

At Â鶹ÊÓƵCollege, we believe that when students have a voice in their education, they feel empowered and are more likely to take ownership of their learning.

This can lead to increased engagement, motivation, and academic achievement.

Also, when students feel that their voices are heard and valued, they are more likely to feel connected to their school community and have a positive school experience, which can lead to a more positive and supportive school culture overall.

Since 2021, we have looked at ways we can empower students to have a strong voice in their own education.

We believe in ‘student agency’ and understand that young people bring fresh perspectives, insights and ideas to the table, which can be valuable to discussions and decision-making processes. 

Students also have a unique understanding of the challenges facing students and are the key stakeholder in the operation of a school.

In 2021, we launched Lunch with the Head of Senior School (Carpet Conversations), which involved me meeting with groups of Year 12 students each term to hear their opinions on how life in Year 12 is going and what are some of the challenges they face. 

These insights have been invaluable in supporting our development of Wellbeing and Teaching Learning Frameworks.

I also regularly speak at Senior School Year Level meetings and meet individually with each Senior School student to talk through what they like about Fairholme, what we do well in the Senior School and areas they feel we need to look at in greater detail.

Ideas such as refurbishment within the Senior School, changes to the College uniform, and the creation of new clubs have all come from these meetings.

However, the most significant project in the area of ‘student agency’ has been the launching of the Students as Employees initiative this year.

This initiative is open to all Year 11 students and is paid employment for the students in the areas of Marketing, Publications and Photography.

Students are put through a rigorous application and induction process involving a written application, the formulation of a curriculum vitae with the support of the Pathway Centre, and an interview with members of the leadership team.

Other than increased student voice, there are a number of reasons why we felt the need to launch this initiative.

  • Sense of responsibility: Students develop a sense of responsibility and accountability when asked to lead a project or be responsible for an activity or event.
  • Skill development: The initiative provides students with opportunities to develop valuable skills such as time management, communication, teamwork, and problem solving.
  • Building relationships: We felt that students working in a school environment would provide them with the opportunity to build relationships with teachers, staff, and other students, as well as network with professionals and be mentored by experts in different fields. This will hopefully enhance their future skills.
  • Positive school culture: Opportunities such as this allow for students to feel more connected to their school community.

After the extensive recruitment processes, Hannah Smith (Marketing and Publications) and Penne Skene (Photography) were successful in gaining positions and, as of Term 1, have been doing a brilliant job working with their mentors, Mr Sessarago and Mrs


We hope to roll out this initiative to other areas of the College in 2024, such as gardening, administration, and in catering.

‘I decided to get involved in the Students as Employees’ Program to both gain experience and learn new skills within the field. It was something I was interested in and could be something I continue once I leave school. The interview process was very professional and helps you gain an understanding of how job interviews will be in the future.’

Hannah Smith.

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I enjoy watching Â鶹ÊÓƵsport, debating, dance, choir … (and the list meanders on) – from the sideline. There is joy in watching without responsibility. It does not, as Mr Tregaskis would attest, mean that I do not wince when I see what I believe to be, an incorrect umpire’s decision. You have no idea how much I will miss standing on the sideline observing young people learning to be. After all, these performance arenas are just that – places of becoming. That is, when we, as adults don’t mess with ‘the becoming.’ In anticipation of losing my legitimate reason to watch Â鶹ÊÓƵplay anything, perform anything … I am concentrating on the privilege of the moment. I am soaking in the delights of fiercely contested debating finals, narrow wins and losses on the courts and fields of Toowoomba where the temperature is always colder or hotter than forecast and, the unparalleled joy of Junior School girls dancing on stage without inhibition, some perfectly attuned with the music’s beat and other’s not. I am absorbing the opportunity to witness learning at its essence. Performance in sport or The Arts is a public event. If your artwork is hung in a gallery space it is ‘public’ – open to be appreciated or criticised. If one is singing, dancing, debating or playing an instrument on stage with an audience there is nowhere to hide if an error is made. And, on a court or field – one’s performance is open to scrutiny or praise – or everything in between. Becoming is core business at these times. Anthony Simcoe, perhaps best known for his role as Steve in the epic Australian film, ‘The Castle’ with lines like, “Dale dug a hole, Dad,” or “How much for jousting sticks?” was a gangly fifteen-year-old boy when I first met him at Burnside State High School in Nambour, where he was seeking to master the volleyball dig, serve and set. Who would have imagined his becoming? Even years on, Anthony would say that he learned to become an actor through washing dishes at cafes – earning money between acting jobs – learning to observe the humanness in his customers. He washed a lot of dishes and served a lot of tables in order to become a credible member of ‘The Castle’s’ Kerrigan family. In tedious hours he learned about people and about hard, repetitive work. Repetition is the underpinning pattern of rehearsal and practice. Some of us do it well, others not so. I hear it in action many mornings as I pass the Performing Arts building, I see it on mornings and afternoons in our gym and on our oval. Rehearsal. Practice. Becoming. It is far more palpable; it would seem, than our classroom learning which inhabits a far more private space: often behind a closed door. How special it was, a few weeks ago, to invite the parents of Year 12.1 English to join their daughter, Mrs Anderson and I for a Period Five Friday afternoon lesson of ‘Macbeth.’ Seated in a huge circle in the confines of G24, students directed the lesson: spelling, quotations, thematic discussions and questions, for their parent and the other class members. It was an impressive moment (from a teacher’s perspective anyway) – to see students demonstrate their knowledge in a semi-public forum. It was timely for parents, no doubt, to remember the awkwardness of not knowing an answer, the joy of accuracy as well as the discomfort of feedback about an incorrect assumption – these are aspects of learning with which our students grapple, daily … as they become. There was delight in sharing the messiness of learning, the non-linear path of knowledge and how these segue to ‘becoming.’ Although, that moment of self-actualisation we seek or reaching the mountain top does not come at the same time or in the same way for any of us. And we have to be patient from our sideline position. We have to trust the process. We have to remember also, that losing and missing out are important components of future winning. We have to remember in the words of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Spanish Priest, theologian and thinker, “we learn only when we are ready to learn.” St. Ignatius reminds us that education is not confined to classrooms; it can happen anywhere and at any time: if we allow it. And thus, as adults, as we inhabit more than our fair share of sidelines real and metaphoric, during the rundown to the finish line, let us all be gracious in allowing our young people ‘to become’ … a process that is uneven, at times uncomfortable, messy, deeply disappointing and … often wildly exhilarating. Let us enjoy each and every facet and be gracious in the spaces where alignment with expectation is not met in performance or outcome. It is here, in this place, which can feel unpleasant, unsatisfactory and uninvited that the greatest learning and hence the greatest opportunity to become, can occur. If we, as adults who should know better, don’t mess with ‘the becoming.’ “Another ball game lost! Good grief!” Charlie moans. “I get tired of losing. Everything I do, I lose!” “Look at it this way, Charlie Brown,” Lucy replies. “We learn more from losing than we do from winning.” “That makes me the smartest person in the world!” replies Charlie. Win some. Learn some. Become. Dr Linda Evans │Principal  REFERENCE Maxwell, J. (2013) On Turning a Loss into a Gain | Adapted from Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn (October 2013)
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Storytelling, building connections, and engaging our community is irreplaceable in the marketing strategy of a school. Â鶹ÊÓƵMarketing Manager, Kathryn Doyle, talks about what resonates in modern-day school communication.
By Graeme Morris 10 Sep, 2024
For Year 7 Boarder, Audrey Colville, just getting from her home on Groote Eylandt to Â鶹ÊÓƵis an adventure in itself.
By Graeme Morris 10 Sep, 2024
I enjoy watching Â鶹ÊÓƵsport, debating, dance, choir … (and the list meanders on) – from the sideline. There is joy in watching without responsibility. It does not, as Mr Tregaskis would attest, mean that I do not wince when I see what I believe to be, an incorrect umpire’s decision. You have no idea how much I will miss standing on the sideline observing young people learning to be. After all, these performance arenas are just that – places of becoming. That is, when we, as adults don’t mess with ‘the becoming.’ In anticipation of losing my legitimate reason to watch Â鶹ÊÓƵplay anything, perform anything … I am concentrating on the privilege of the moment. I am soaking in the delights of fiercely contested debating finals, narrow wins and losses on the courts and fields of Toowoomba where the temperature is always colder or hotter than forecast and, the unparalleled joy of Junior School girls dancing on stage without inhibition, some perfectly attuned with the music’s beat and other’s not. I am absorbing the opportunity to witness learning at its essence. Performance in sport or The Arts is a public event. If your artwork is hung in a gallery space it is ‘public’ – open to be appreciated or criticised. If one is singing, dancing, debating or playing an instrument on stage with an audience there is nowhere to hide if an error is made. And, on a court or field – one’s performance is open to scrutiny or praise – or everything in between. Becoming is core business at these times. Anthony Simcoe, perhaps best known for his role as Steve in the epic Australian film, ‘The Castle’ with lines like, “Dale dug a hole, Dad,” or “How much for jousting sticks?” was a gangly fifteen-year-old boy when I first met him at Burnside State High School in Nambour, where he was seeking to master the volleyball dig, serve and set. Who would have imagined his becoming? Even years on, Anthony would say that he learned to become an actor through washing dishes at cafes – earning money between acting jobs – learning to observe the humanness in his customers. He washed a lot of dishes and served a lot of tables in order to become a credible member of ‘The Castle’s’ Kerrigan family. In tedious hours he learned about people and about hard, repetitive work. Repetition is the underpinning pattern of rehearsal and practice. Some of us do it well, others not so. I hear it in action many mornings as I pass the Performing Arts building, I see it on mornings and afternoons in our gym and on our oval. Rehearsal. Practice. Becoming. It is far more palpable; it would seem, than our classroom learning which inhabits a far more private space: often behind a closed door. How special it was, a few weeks ago, to invite the parents of Year 12.1 English to join their daughter, Mrs Anderson and I for a Period Five Friday afternoon lesson of ‘Macbeth.’ Seated in a huge circle in the confines of G24, students directed the lesson: spelling, quotations, thematic discussions and questions, for their parent and the other class members. It was an impressive moment (from a teacher’s perspective anyway) – to see students demonstrate their knowledge in a semi-public forum. It was timely for parents, no doubt, to remember the awkwardness of not knowing an answer, the joy of accuracy as well as the discomfort of feedback about an incorrect assumption – these are aspects of learning with which our students grapple, daily … as they become. There was delight in sharing the messiness of learning, the non-linear path of knowledge and how these segue to ‘becoming.’ Although, that moment of self-actualisation we seek or reaching the mountain top does not come at the same time or in the same way for any of us. And we have to be patient from our sideline position. We have to trust the process. We have to remember also, that losing and missing out are important components of future winning. We have to remember in the words of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Spanish Priest, theologian and thinker, “we learn only when we are ready to learn.” St. Ignatius reminds us that education is not confined to classrooms; it can happen anywhere and at any time: if we allow it. And thus, as adults, as we inhabit more than our fair share of sidelines real and metaphoric, during the rundown to the finish line, let us all be gracious in allowing our young people ‘to become’ … a process that is uneven, at times uncomfortable, messy, deeply disappointing and … often wildly exhilarating. Let us enjoy each and every facet and be gracious in the spaces where alignment with expectation is not met in performance or outcome. It is here, in this place, which can feel unpleasant, unsatisfactory and uninvited that the greatest learning and hence the greatest opportunity to become, can occur. If we, as adults who should know better, don’t mess with ‘the becoming.’ “Another ball game lost! Good grief!” Charlie moans. “I get tired of losing. Everything I do, I lose!” “Look at it this way, Charlie Brown,” Lucy replies. “We learn more from losing than we do from winning.” “That makes me the smartest person in the world!” replies Charlie. Win some. Learn some. Become. Dr Linda Evans │Principal  REFERENCE Maxwell, J. (2013) On Turning a Loss into a Gain | Adapted from Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn (October 2013)
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